Why Has Iridology Not Been Approved In The US?

Many proponents of alternative therapy wonder at why some of the available therapies, treatments, and diagnostic practices have not been approved by the United States government for established medical use. While the reasons for the lack of approval vary according to the alternative therapy method in question, in the case of Iridology it is simply a matter of a complete lack of scientific evidence of the efficacy of the method.

There have been several scientific studies of Iridology performed by researchers and the results of each of these studies have been almost identical. The general conclusion is that the effectiveness of iridology as a diagnostic tool is no better than chance.

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In other words, it is statistically just as likely for a person to guess at a patient’s illness as it is for a trained Iridologist to assess the illness correctly. Because there is no conclusive evidence to prove that Iridology works, the United States government has not approved it as a legitimate diagnostic tool.

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