Aromatherapy: Stinky And Soothing Smells

A lot of people like to use different smells in their homes to cover unpleasant odors. In fact, there is a whole retail industry based on the public’s desire to eliminate nasty smells from their homes. But plug-in air fresheners, potpourri sprays, and scented candles are not necessarily aromatherapy products. The scents are not meant to sooth; rather they are meant to disguise.

Aromatherapy is actually the practice of using plant oils and extracts to bring about a sense of wellbeing in people. Aromatherapy is often used in conjunction with other alternative medicine treatments like massage therapy.

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There are approximately 90 essential oils commonly used in aromatherapy treatments, and each one has a unique profile and individual purpose. But some essential oils are used together to create an effect that is different than that of the oils when used individually.

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